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What Causes Dark Circles? How to Treat Them?

Written By- Bisman Chugh | Reviewed By- Nutrition Expert
Mar 11, 2024
Educational Blogs

Are those stubborn dark circles making you feel like you're in a constant battle with your under-eye area? You're not alone in this struggle. Dark circles are a common concern for many, often indicating lifestyle habits or nutrient deficiencies, alongside factors like allergies and aging.

While dark circles are usually harmless, they can be frustrating. If you're looking to get rid of them, it's crucial to understand some key factors.

What Causes Dark Circles?

Dark circles often make their appearance after a late night or extended screen time, with some people having a hereditary tendency towards this condition, known as periorbital hyperpigmentation. Yet, fatigue and lack of rest typically top the list for causing the shadowy circles under the eyes.

While exhaustion is the primary cause, various other factors can also play a role. 

Let's delve into the details of what leads to dark circles:

  • Hereditary: Yes, dark circles can be inherited, showing up as early as childhood and persisting into adulthood for some people.
  • Age: As we age, the skin under our eyes thins out even more, with diminishing fat and collagen making those circles look more pronounced and permanent.
  • Sleep Deprivation: While lack of sleep is a common culprit, even oversleeping can contribute to dark circles, especially if you're a stomach sleeper.
  • Allergies, Asthma, and Eczema: Nasal congestion and allergic reactions can cause blood vessels around the eyes to dilate, darkening the under-eye area. Scratching and rubbing due to itchiness only worsen the situation.
  • Anemia: Iron deficiency, prevalent among many women, can lead to insufficient oxygen delivery to eye tissues, resulting in discoloration and heightened visibility of veins.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, stress, and certain medications can all contribute to dark circles under the eyes.
  • Fluid Retention: Conditions like pregnancy or increased salt intake can lead to puffiness around the eyes, accentuating dark circles.
  • Medications: Some medications cause blood vessels to dilate, worsening dark circles.
  • Periorbital Hyperpigmentation: Excessive sun exposure or skin pigmentation abnormalities can lead to increased melanin production around the eyes, darkening the area.
  • Other Factors: Depression, skin laxity, rubbing, scratching, can also contribute to under-eye pigmentation.

While genetics and aging play significant roles, addressing these other causes through lifestyle changes and proper skin care can help combat dark circles effectively. Luke Coutinho suggests focusing on 4 pillars of clean nutrition, deep sleep, adequate exercise, and emotional well-being. Managing your life mindfully can actually help you get rid of such issues. 

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles?

Don’t we all crave that fresh, youthful glow, especially around our eyes? Here are some savvy strategies to help you get rid of those dark circles:

  • Shield Yourself: Make sunscreen your daily companion, applying it 2–3 times a day, at least 15–20 minutes before stepping out. Opt for a broad-spectrum SPF and don't lather on the eye area.
  • Seek Shade: Embrace wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses to dodge those harmful UV rays. Whenever possible, find refuge under the shade, particularly during peak sun hours.
  • Defend Against Pollution: Arm your skin with protection from environment pollution.
  • Be Gentle: Minimize rubbing and friction around your delicate eye area.
  • Face Massage: Face massage and more around the eyes is said to have magical effects for many women. Our facial oil is specially formulated for dark circles and pigmentation. Give it a try. Use light hands and movements. Also, make sure you discontinue if any reaction appears. 

Pic Credits: Freepik

Home Remedies:

  • Start Chilling: Cold compresses, be it with a chilled washcloth, frozen peas, tea bags, or cucumber slices, can work wonders for soothing and enhancing circulation around the eyes. You can even try gently massaging the eye area with ice cubes.
  • Natural Goodness: Treat your skin to the vitamin-rich goodness of natural ingredients like lemons, papayas, tomatoes, cucumbers, kiwis, berries, almond oil, olive oil, eggplant, and banana peels to lighten dark circles and nourish your skin.
  • Coconut: Let cold-pressed coconut oil work its magic as a potent remedy for reducing dark circles while also keeping your skin moisturized and youthful.

Lifestyle Tweaks:

  • Prioritize Rest: Quality sleep not only reduces dark circles but also boosts your overall well-being. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night, preferably on your back with your head slightly elevated.
  • Cut Back on Vices: Bid farewell to smoking and moderate your alcohol intake to keep your body hydrated and your skin glowing.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep your skin well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water and watching your salt intake to avoid puffiness and dark circles.
  • Combat Stress: Manage stress through practices like yoga, meditation, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.
  • Address Allergies: Treat allergies promptly with medications to alleviate itchiness and inflammation.
  • Sun Protection: Shield your skin from sun damage by using sunscreen daily.
  • Moisturize: Nurture the delicate skin under your eyes with regular moisturization or facial oil specially formulated for dark circles, especially at night, for optimal absorption and repair.

Disclaimer: Please keep your healthcare provider in the loop before introducing any new food item or beauty product into your lifestyle, especially if you have a medical health condition or are on medications. In case you are allergic to certain foods, please avoid them.


  • Is there a connection between dark circles and liver health?

While a study suggested a link, a few participants showed dark circles due to liver issues. However, extensive research on this topic is lacking.

  • What do dark circles under the eyes signify?

Dark circles can stem from various factors like genetics, allergies, age, fatigue, or eye strain. Fortunately, both home remedies and medical treatments offer ways to minimize their appearance.

  • How can I reduce dark circles under my eyes?

You have options! At-home remedies such as cold compresses, specialized eye creams, prioritizing rest, and some lifestyle changes can help. 

  • Are dark under-eye circles forever?

Dark circles aren't always permanent fixtures. Their duration can vary based on factors like lifestyle, genetics, and nutritional status.

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3/13/2024, 12:39 PM

Stress n night duty